Jaipongan is a genre of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. Attention to folk art, one of which is Tap Tilu know and know well make it perbendaharan dance movement patterns that exist in the tradition Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Opening movements, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of motion of several arts mincid above have enough inspiration to develop a dance or art that is now known as the Jaipongan. As a social dance, dance Jaipong successfully developed by the artist dances are popular in the community of Sunda and highly favored by the people of West Java (in particular), and even popular until outside West Java.
Jaipongan first began to be known by the public is dance "Daun
Further development occurred in taahun dance Jaipongan 1980-1990's, where Gugum Gumbira create another dance such as Toka-toka, Setra Sari, Sonteng, Pencug, Heron dazed, motorcade procession Leaf-Puring, Rawayan and dance Kawung Anten. From these dances appear some skilled dancers Jaipongan include Iceu Effendi, Yumiati Mandiri, Miming Mintarsih, Nani, Erna, Mira Tejaningrum, Ine Dinar, Ega, Nuni, Cepy, Agah, Aa Suryabrata and Asep.
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