Saturday, January 1, 2011


Not known exactly where the Kecak dance originated and which was first developed, but there is a kind of agreement on the Balinese Kecak was first developed into art pertujukan in Bona, Ganyar, as additional knowledge kecak at first is a song or musical sound produced from the fusion that form a melody that is usually used to accompany the sacred dances Sahyang. And can only be performed in the temple. Kemudaian astist in the early 1930s from the village of Bona, Gianyar trying to develop a Kecak dance by taking the story of Ramayana Dance Sanghyang didramatarikan as a substitute so that it could eventually dipertontontan dance in public as a performance art. Part Ramayana story is taken first is that when Goddess Sita was abducted by King Ravana.


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